sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

We are one ( When we tried to conquer, pt2)

Did we know that our end was here among our feet?
Did we ever know how is going this to keep the sun shinning?

Will my dreams someday come truth?
These rings around the NASA base tried
to resolve its questions, but the crimes
are made and the done things can’t be
returned to the hands of the father time.
Is this what it needs to break the chains?

Who told me to draw the love I have for her
in the infinite amount of stars? Obviously nobody.
I love to take your hand and feel that we are one.

The UV rays hit our skin and we burn to dead.
The photosynthesis process isn’t enough to breath today;
when the eyes of the moon finally been closed and
those horizons came to us,
that day the new life brings us the new kind of
animals and to prove our honor, the invisible gods
will tell us how to keep our specie alive for years.

Will you embrace my arms and whisper me the message
that I left to you in the firmament to write the end of the book?
Oh, Am I something wild to train?
Am I like a diplodocus reaching my head to the winds to feel that I’m free?
I loved how you told me that now we are evolving into people that
can be lovers for all the millenniums that left to the earth to finish its existence.

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